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  Battalions, strength of, 36
  Cavalry charges, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313
  Changes of front, 320, 321
  Charge of French Cuirassiers of the Guard at Vionville, 311
  Close order formation, effect of fire on, 102, 103
  Column as attack formation, 44, 45
  Combats, duration of, 178
  Companies, consolidation of, 36
  Concentration for action, 205, 209, 210
    After position is carried, 433
    Against a hostile flank, 435, 436
    Construction of, in attack, 344
    Use of, 257
  Defensive position, location of, 410
  Deployment, 206
    Of reserves, 369
  Distribution in depth and frontage, 222, 223, 226
  Dummy trenches, 421
  Effect of danger, 195-200
    Fire on charging cavalry, 308
  Envelopment, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361
  Expenditure and supply of ammunition, 468-474
  Fatigue produced by continuous fire, 155
    Effect of, 132
    Kinds of, used in Russo-Japanese War, 157, 159
      Russo-Turkish War, 158, 159
    Withholding the, 151, 152
  Fire control and fire direction, difficulties of, 137
  Fire effect on close order formations, 102, 103
  Fire pauses, 156
  Fire preparation, 149
  Fire support during an assault, 380
  Fire while in motion, 93
  Flank attack, 357
  Flanking fire, 354
  Formations suitable under fire, 121
    Under artillery fire, 321, 322, 323, 324
  Frontage, 231, 232
    And distribution in depth, 237
    In Russo-Japanese War, 239
    Of battalions at Mukden, 211
    Overextension of, 238
  Frontal counter attacks, 437, 438
  Gaps in the line, 239
  Improvised units, use of, 197
  Influence of various rifles on density of battle formations, 24
  Length of rushes and expenditure of ammunition, 89-90
  Lessons of the Boer War, in re attack, 340
    Russo-Japanese War, in re attack, 340
  Local reconnaissance, 250, 253
  Long range fire, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153
    In defense, 155