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           | Front. | Facing Distance.
           | (Per man.) | (Distance between ranks.)
Germany | About O.80 m. Loose| 0.80 m. from back of front rank
           | elbow contact. | man to breast of rear rank man.
Austria | About 0.75 m. Files| 120 cm. from heels of front rank
           | are separated by | man to those of rear rank man
           | an interval of the| (according to German method
           | width of a hand. | of measuring, about 0.88 m.).
Italy | 0.70 m. | 0.75 m. from breast of front
           | | rank man to breast of rear rank
           | | man(according to German method
           | | of measuring, 0.45 m.) on the
           | | march, 1.20 m. (according to
           | | German method of measuring,
           | | 0.90).
France | 0.70 m. including | 1 m. from back or knapsack of
           | 0.15 m. interval | front rank man to breast of
           | between files. | rear rank man.
Russia | 0.70 m. Files are | Rear rank man is an arm's length
           | separated by an | from back of knapsack of front
           | interval of the | rank man = 60-70 cm.
           | width of a hand. |
England | About 0.80 m. | 1.50 m. from heel of front rank
           | | man to heel of rear rank man
           | | (according to German method
           | | of measuring, about 1.20 m.).
Switzerland| About 0.75 m. | 0.80 m. from back of front rank
           | | man to breast of rear rank man.
Belgium | About 0.80 m. | 1 m. from heel of front rank man
           | | to heel of rear rank man
           | | (according to German method of
           | | measuring, about 0.70 m.).
Japan | About 0.85 m. | 0.75 m. from back (or knapsack)
           | | of front rank man to breast of
           | | rear rank man.

(b) Division of the Company Into Three or Four Platoons.

In Austria, France, and Italy, platoons are considered as distinct bodies, so long as they have sufficient numerical strength. They are placed side by side and constitute the company in line. In Germany and Russia the company is at