Page:Tales of a Voyager to the Arctic Ocean, vol. 3 (1826).djvu/325

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what human, but more resembling a devil. It had horns and a tail, its horns curled round its ears, and its tail was short and turned up like a hook. It was hairy all over, and its feet ended in hoofs, like those of a hog.

“Wolfgang was in too great a rage to tremble.

‘Wolfgang,’ said the being, ‘if you will give me power over you for four and twenty hours, you shall cut off the head of the boarwolf.’

‘I agree,’ said the huntsman, without stopping one moment to consider.

‘Then kiss my hand, in token of obedience,’ said the stranger.

“Wolfgang kissed the hand held out to him, and whilst he started back, for the touch of the being burnt his lips, it vanished, saying, ‘chace the boarwolf to-morrow.’

“The huntsman now remounted his horse, and without allowing himself to think of what he had done, he hastened to the cottage of the beauty, with whom he staid, conversing till day-light, for both she and her father treated him as if they could not treat him too well.

“At day-break he saddled his steed, and set off to dislodge the boar-wolf from its lurking place, impatient both to make sure of the