Page:Terminations (New York, Harper and Brothers, 1895).djvu/137

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Maddock, and also somewhat why I didn't hear from Wimbledon. I had a reproachful note about something or other from Mrs. Saltram, but it contained no mention of Lady Coxon's niece, on whom her eyes had been much less fixed since the recent untoward events.


Adelaide's silence was fully explained later; it was practically explained when in June, returning to London, I was honored by this admirable woman with an early visit. As soon as she appeared I guessed every thing, and as soon as she told me that darling Ruth had been in her house nearly a month I exclaimed: "What in the name of maidenly modesty is she staying in England for?"

"Because she loves me so!" cried Adelaide gayly. But she had not come to see me only to tell me Miss Anvoy loved her; that was now sufficiently established, and what was much more to the point was that Mr. Gravener had now raised an objection to it. That is, he had protested against her being at Wimbledon, where in the innocence of his heart he had originally brought her himself; in short he wanted her to put an end to their engagement in the only proper, the only happy manner.