Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/143

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'-xz Terre. Filitt'. . o 7 and of fo ill con�equence are both'thet?extrearns a y?ng man', who ?ould ? minding his im?e? ment, that the one mak? him mue? too vohtfie to apply himfe}g the other too ?upid and fplenatie to take any delight'in his bufine? or Rudies. I knew a promifing Lad, who came to the verfity, after having ?n approv'd thro' one oFour her fch0ols, as a dili?nt and ing?ious feholar: he was the very favourite of his maker, and I have heard h}m ?bnd)y commend his fir? ?eps in th? world of learning: I knew him for rome time, after ?e came among us, maintain the time chamber; chamber, and himf?f whH? he kept his . employ'd Was in it: the m ?sfor tune that ?ttended him was, ind=d, that the poor young fellow did not drefi fmcs} nay, often was really dirty: by degreeshe got ac?amtedin the univerfity with rome oftho? who call them- felves the beaux efprits of the p}ace; of the? he foug.?t the _onverfiuon, fir? or, t of'curiofity and ?pes of improvement, 'till in?nfibly he forgot that motive which had brought him among them. He ?w, though he cou)d not agree they had a va? deal of learning, that they had yet ?d lindn. . . y g ? not abundance of w?t, indeed, but very rich lace,, red:' ?oc?i?gs, fil?-button'd coats, and other things, which ?nRitute a man of tae in Oxford. All thi;_ I fay, be fiwi and as they are moR of t?]em good-- natur'd ?ello?s, was not o?nded at their dre-?, eaufe he lik'd the men. And tho' it was a while be?bre he ?egan to copy after them, yet thing is more cer{ain, than that'imitation follows' approbation. They were continua{3v crvine the? ? little more line?. To this the ?or youth had little to fly; he percei?'d the pro&ice was t?elg aDin? him, but did not well know ho? to co?e up to it. He ?as a }ad ,?f good ?n?, and ?onf?ed this air,orion of him?lfWould m?e him' F 6 be