Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/161

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continued together till about eleven a dock, or n? quite fo late, when Mr..r-Iolt of Maudlin college, $ub.?roc?or at that time, came, and making up to ' b Mr. Meadovocourt ( who happen d to e Reward o{: the Club that night ) demanded of' him the reft'on. of their being at the tavern. Mi'. Meadowcourt role up, and told him, that they were met together to commemorate the Reftoration of King Charles I1. and to drink King George's health; and that they ould be obliged t.o, H ? ? if he would be plea?d ta ink King Georges health with them; which the I'ro&r, aRer Come intreaties, comply'd with. After which, one of' the captains went to him, and de- fired him to excu? the fcholars that were there, romifin that he would take care that no har:? or diforder 1t?ould be committed, and then waited up- on the Pro,or down flairs. The next day Mr. Me?dorocourt was Cent for by Mr. Holt; who, when he came to him, told him, en rl= to him t that he had f, ook wor ...... he ni__gEt be.?_re, that were affronting and improper to be fpoken to' a ProFtori that however, he would not inti? upon the affront, nor take any adt, antage of him fox, words, which he attributed to the effi:&s of wine, but that his brother I'ro8or Mr. White of �brifi. Church college ( though the words were not fpoken to him, nor in his preiince) was very angry with him, and had delir'd that the power of taking Cog- niz?nce of? and proceeding againIt all that was done that night, might be transferred into his hands? that l?e was therefore no longer a party concerned in this affair, but advifed him-as a friend to go to Mr; White, and, in �ubmiffive terms, to make his peace with him. Mr. Mead?aourt an�wered, that he knew no occafion which he had given Mr. White to be angry with him; that for any improper word? which he might �peak the night before, he begg'd his [Mr. Holt's] pardon, and affur'd him? that what-