Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/299

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In good faith, this is the only confh'u&ion I can put upon his words. When a teacher in and profelI'or in the univcrfity can find nothing to ?mmend in it but its meet outfide, its buildin one mu? have a ?rmge opm?on of zts learning. But I apF?l to his words themfdves. ?cademi,5 cre?entibm ?d?ciis, flys he, cryant illi (fi tier[ pote?) em?tio ae zirtus. This is a? he <an as to_ its ?udition or virtue; but as to its building, h? him ? Faufium quiddam ?rofe8o' fp?de?, om'mantur tot no?s ?uot?ie, d?c?imi$ temporibm (?gtice, hard times! ) furge?tia mu?rum culmina, ut fi vol men?s nIiquot eger?mus ab?ntes ab veritYate, reduces p?e hofpites zideamur, ? ratlone penitu$ diver[? ab e? qua di?um i?ud dim batur, Oxofiium quotas in Oxo?o. Portenti i?fl? h?bendum, ?mines ffui maximum pra fi re- runt ?atri? arnorein (Ang!ice, the fiiends of King George) ii?d ipfi?m od? ac defpicere quod patriam prl c?reris honefiat ? exoraat, That i5, en& ?cce? my noble auditors? wflk ard ?e?hdie?, and grotlinen, are not there fine new pginted Mrar-pieces and giffs-window,? Have nor we ee=v cha?ls, and new quadrangles in abun- dance? Now who. ?t fools and traitors can wi? ?ey werc t ett? inhabited? With this pathcfi?i inve&ive do? this voucDr for Dr. sach?Ws b!afphemous quotations at his ?)'?!, tkis right loyal ' ? cna, lain to Sir Connie P?pps, and the late lord ?olinbroke, conclude Ns immortzl [role&ion,. One can fcarce fly which i? mo? abfurd,' little malice of the ?re's fitire, or the mean- ne?'of his ?negyrick. What! are there no living ornam?ts in Oafordt fire its i?nimate, it? done ones its greateft bry? By this difcourfe one oMd rliy think The new Kru&es, y9u