Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/363

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A P P B N D I the time individual jlrmalfties from all thofe his power, however tl?,eir ages, conf?itutions, and appetites may difigreei He may not only demand the diree7ion of my company, {which indeed you feem to ? infit? upon your/'elf') but be fo ri id and t?rannical in this particular, that he witlgnot at- low me the converfation of my deareft ?riends, mof? intimate dcquaintancei nay, perhaps of my ?earq? Relations, or even of my own -? Then as to Diet, he may befullasoppreffvtagainin that pariicuiar; not content with relYraining me from extravagances, which are notproper, and what I can- not afford, he may force roeinto a contrary extreme, and from a ridiculous fort of reafoning, becaui? in. temj?eranee is bad for health or fiudy, confine me to a regimen of bread ?nd water i or what is little bet- ter, ef fmall beer aM ? A?vx?v--DvMvLx?s. I have drawn you a Charac%r, which is not un. like]}, to lvre?r?il in cdtegi?tt focietics ? it is a ra?er, not ?icious indeed, but tb odiom and trou131e. time ro tho/? over wl?,om it ?reftdes that I cannot help thinking it one good reafon for leaving a focie- ty, which is govern'd by fuch an odd fnmaflied creature, were any body to judge of it, but the Pur?n'as himfell:. I could put the cafe ftronger frill; and fuppofe tee Governor to be a ?0rfi man than him before defcribed, an unjuft, rapacious, pfffionate, debauchcd wretch; in every ref'pe& unfit to profide over young men, and, by his influence and example, taint their tender minds with an iuclination to the fame %'ices, I ' Pag; zod. ?t Page 76. i t E:ijoln'd in a certain ?,,// in Oa.f?rd, every Friday nitb t?eir concomitant% a? t?y a ? called, v; T. a fart$,.g brown S%ar? and a farthing bmer,