Page:The Academy Of the Fine Arts and Its Future, Edward Hornor Coates, 24 January 1890.djvu/15

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Presented by Mrs. Joseph Harrison,

Christ Rejected, Benjamin West.
Charles Willson Peale, Peale.
Ariadne in Naxos, John Vanderlyn.
Orestes Pursued by the Furies, Bouguereau.

Presented by Atherton Blight,

Off the French Coast, (moonlight) W. P. W. Dana.

Presented by Paris Haldeman,

Madame Modjeska, Carolus Duran.

Presented by William B. Bement,

Yosemite Valley, Thomas Hill.

In the Temple Collection,

The Breton Story Teller, Robert Wylie.
On the Borders of the Marsh, W. H. Picknell.
Roumanian Lady, F. A. Bridgman.

And to continue the list in the Gallery of Sculpture may be mentioned:—

The "Ceres," From Megara.

Already referred to.

Hero and Leander, Carl Steinhauser.
Proserpine, (bust,) Hiram Powers.
Spring, E. D. Palmer.
Jesusalem, W. W. Story.

and the model of Lough's Centaurs and Lapithæ, in the rotunda, fitly described as one of the most imposing decorations of plastic art. All of these are worthy of place in any gallery, and our Academy is fortunate in their possession. Before leaving this subject allusion should be made to the collection of