Page:The Adventures Of A Revolutionary Soldier.pdf/2

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This copy of Joseph Plumb Martin's Revolutionary War experiences was created from a microfiche version of a copy in the Library of Congress. All pages have been graphically altered as possible to produce the most readable possible version. In some cases, illegible words have been replaced with typed versions. In most cases, if a page is enlarged, it makes it easier to read.

The book has been ocr'd, but this will be of minimal usefulness for searches since the text was in such poor condition. This might make it useful to select & copy text for use in another document, but the user should expect to have to edit the results.

Modern authors who have annotated an edited version of Martin's text depart from the original in minor and not unexpected ways. Differences are mostly punctuation, capitalization, reduction in sentence length, and spelling. However, one such omitted a paragraph of text from the original.

The intent of this effort has been to make available a digital version of the original version of Martin's book as published in 1830.