Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume II.djvu/640

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620 BIBLIOGRAPHY CLARKE, A. and J. B. B. A Concise View of the Succession of Sacred Literature. 2 vols. bvo, London, 1880-'32. DARLING, J. Cyclopa'dia Bibliographica : A Library Manual of Theological and general Literature. 2 vols. royal Svo, London, lo54-'9. DE MORGAN, A. Arithmetical Books, from the Invention of Printing to the Present Time. Post Svo, London, 18-47. DUPIN, A. M. Manuel des etudiants eu droit. 12ino, Paris, 1886. DCPIN, A. M. Manuel du droit public ecclcsiastique francais. 12mo, Paris, 1844. Containing bibliographical notices of works upon l&w, Ac. DUPLESSIS, P. A. G. Bibliographic paremiologique. (Bibliog- raphy of Proverbs.) Svo. Paris, 1847. DRYANDER, J. Catalogus Bibliothecffi Historico-Naturalis Joseph! Banks. 6 vols. Svo, London, 1796-lbUO. The moat complete catalogue of books on natural history ever publish- ed. The collection now belongs to the British museum. ELLIS, H. Catalogue of Books on Angling. Svo, London, 1811. ELMES, J. General and Bibliographical Dictionary of the Fine Arts. Svo, London, 1826. ENGELMANN, W. Bibliotheca Philologica. (A list of Greek and Latin grammars, dictionaries. &c., published from 1750 to 1862.) 8d ed., Svo, Leipsic, 1S5S. Also, Bibliotheca Me- chanico-Technologica. 1 vol. ; Bibliotheca Scriptorum Clas- Bicorum, 1 vol.; Medico-Chirurgica, 1 vol.; (Economica, 1 vol. ; Veterinaria, 1 vol. ; Zoologica et Palseontologica, 1 vol. ; Bibliothek der Forst- und Jagdwissenschaften, 1 voL ; Bi- bliothek der Handlungswissenschaft, 1 vol. ; Bibliothek der neuern Sprachen, 1 vol. FORBES, J. Manual of Select Medical Bibliography. Eoyal Svo, Lon'don, 1886. HORNE, T. H. Manual of Biblical Bibliography. 2d ed., Svo, London, 1816. HOVER, Dr. J. G. VON. Literatur der Kriegswissenschaft uud Kricgsgeschichte. 12mo, Berlin, 1832-'40. LALANDE, J. DE. Bibliographic astronomique. 4to, Paris, 1808. M'CtiLLocn, J. B. The Literature of Political Economy. Svo. London, 1845. MURHARD, F. W. A. Bibliotheca Mathematica, 5 vols. Svo Leipsic, 1797-1805. Containing the literature of arithmetic, geometry, mechanics, op- OETTINGER, E. M. Bibliographic blographique univereelle. (Dictionary of works relative to the public and private life of celebrated personages.) 2 vols. 4to, Brussels. lt50-'64. ORME, V. Bibliotheca Biblica: A Select List of Books on Sacred Literature, with notices, Ac. Svo, Edinburgh, 1824. PERCHERON, A. Bibliographic entomologique. 2 vols. Svo, Paris, 1887. PLOIJCQUET. W. G. Literatura Media. Digesta. 4 vols. royal 4to, Tubingen. 180S-'9. POOLE, W. F. An Index to Periodical Literature. Svo, New York, 1853. An exceedingly useful book, being a complete key to the contents of 1,500 volumes of standard American and English periodicals. BOY. C. H. A. Catalogus Bibliothecffi Medics. 6 vols. Svo, Amsterdam. 1880. TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Bibliotheqne asiatique et africaine. 2 parts. Svo, Parts. 1841-'2. WALCH, J. G. Bibliotheca Theologica Selecta. 4 vols. Svo Jena, 1757-'65. WALCH. J. O. Bibliotheca Patristica, Litterariis Annotationl- bus instructs. New ed., Svo, Jena, 1884. National bibliographies (catalogues of works in the literature of a single nation) are very nu- merous. Of these also we can only give some of the most useful. 1. AMERICA. AsirEn. G. M. Bibliographical and Historicnl Essav on the Dutch Pooks and Pamphlets relating to New Ne'therland 6 pts. small 4to, Amsterdam. 1855. ASPINWALL. J. Bibliotheca America! Septentrionalis. Svo, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CATALOGUE of Books. Translations of the Scriptures, and other Publications in the Indian Tongues of the United States. Svo, Washington. 1849. BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA; or. a Chronological Catalogue of the most curious and interesting Books. Pamphlets, &c. upon North and South America. 4to, London. 1789 DAI RYMPLE. A. Catalogue of Authors who have written on the Rio de la Plata. &c. 4to, London, 1807. FADBArLT, B. G. Catalogue des outrages stir 1'histoire de 1 Amerique. (Especially pertaining to those parts of Amer- ica formerly in the possession of the French.) 8 pts. Svo, Quebec, Ib87. HARRISSK, H. Bibliotheca Americana Yetustissima. Eoyol Svo. New York, Ib6t>. KENNET, W. Bibliothecse Americana; Prirnordia. 4to, Lon- don, 1718. Lt-DF.wiG, H. E. The Literature of American Local History ; a Bibliographical Kssay. Svo. New York. 1S46. MEUSEL, J G. Bibliotheca Historica. Vois. 8 and 1 0. Eim, O. A Catalogue of Books relating principally to Amer- ica. arranged under the years in which they we're printed, from 1COO to 1700. 8vo,'London, 1882. Containing 486 articles. EICH, O. Bibliotheca Americana Nova, since 1700. Svo London, 1885. EICII, 0. Supplement. 1701-1SOO. Svo, London, 1841. The Bibliotheca and Supplement contain 2,523 articles. Eicn, O. Bibliotheca Americana Nova. 1801-'44 (with an index). Svo, London, 1946. TERNAUX-COMPASS, II. Bibliotheque americaine. Svo, Paris, 1886. Contains the titles of 1,153 works published previous to tbe year 1700. TR0BNEE, N. Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. l^mo. London, 1856. WARDEN, D. B. Bibliotheca Americana; being a Choice Col- lection of American Books, &c. 8vo, Paris, 1S40. 2. GEEAT BRITAIN. ANDERSON, C. Annals of the English Bible. (Containing a list of the various editions, &c.) 2 vols. Svo, London. 1^45. BELOE. WILLIAM. Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books Svo, London, 1807-'12. BOHN, J. Catalogue of an Extensive Collection of English Books. Svo. London, 1829. BRYDGES, 8. E. Censura Literaria; containing Titles, Ab- stracts, and Opinions of old English Books. 10 vols. Svo, London, 1816. BRVDGES, S. E. The British Bibliographer. 4 vols Svo London, 1810-'14. BRYDOES, 8. E. Eestituta ; or. Titles, Extracts, and Charac- ters of Old Books in English Literature, revised. 4 vols. 8vo, London, 1814-'16. COLLIER, J. P. Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Barest Books in the English Language. 2 vols.. London 1865; 4 vols., New York, 1866. COTTON, H. Editions of the Bible and Parts thereof in Eng- lish. 2d ed., Svo. Oxford, 1*62. GRIFFITH, A. F. Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or. a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich Collection of Early English Poetry. Svo, London, 1815. HAZLITT, W. C. Hand Book to the Popular.. Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain, from the Invention of Priming to the Restoration. 11 parts. Svo. London, 1867. HUME. A. The Learned Societies and Printing Clubs of the United Kingdom (with lists of their publications, <tc.). 2d ed., post Svo, London, 1868. LOWNDES, W. T. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New ed., 6 vols. in 11 parts, Bohn, London, MACRAY, W. D. A Manual of British Historians to A. D. 1600. Svo, London, 1S45. MARTIN. J. Bibliographical Catalogue of Books privately printed in England. 2 vols. imp. Svo, London. 1^S4. MOULE, T. Bibliotheca Heraldica Magnas Britannia!: An Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy. Heraldry, Nobility, Knighthood, and Ceremonies. Royal Svo Lon- don, 1822. EEID, J. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtlca ; or, an Account of all the Books which have been published in the Gaelic Lan- guage. 8vo. London. 1S32. SAVAGE. J. The Librarian; being an Account of Scarce, Valuable, and Useful English Books. 8 vols. bvo, London -' . SMITH. J. E. A Bibliographical List of all Works illustrating the Provincial Dialects of England. Svo. London. 1S46. STEVENS. II. Catalogue of my English Library. Post Svo London, 1858. Giving a select list of 5,751 volumes. UFCOTT. W. Bibliography of Works on British Topographv. B vols. Svo. London, 1 818. WALPOLE, II. Catalogue of Eoyal and Noble Authors of England ; enlarged by Park. 5 vols. Svo. London, 1806. WRIGHT. T. Biographia liritannica Literaria. Anglo-Saxon and Norman Periods. (With lists of works, &c.) 2 vols. Svo. London. 1842-'6. WATT. E. Bibliotheca Britanniea; or, a General Index of British and Foreign Literature. 4 vols. 4to, Edinburgh, 1890* Vols. i. and ii., alphabetical ; vols. iii. and iv., Index.