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have a happy family relationship and the making of all his adjustments is facilitated.

Where this is not possible the use of every other available dynamic becomes of supreme importance. Emotional expression through other channels—through friendship, through the appreciation and enjoyment of nature, and through the cultivation of any latent artistic abilities—should be encouraged. There should be a search for new goals, for new purposes. More mediums for the sense of achievement should be secured. The spiritual life of men becomes, if possible, of even greater importance. Just as the person who is blind develops a compensating alertness in his other senses, so must the individual who is blocked from one dynamic be helped to a larger and more varied use of the rest.

But to contemplate the absence of any dynamic is as difficult as to conceive the loss of any of the senses. All are essential. All must be cultivated. The more and the broader a man's contacts with them the stronger and the fuller will flow the stream of hisenergies. They are the very essence of life. Let him possess them and the mastery of the art of living will be his.