Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/12

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BY THE SAME AUTHOR. [Contimied from preceding page.) AN AUSTRALIAN APPEAL : THE EVIL, THE CAUSE, THE REMEDY. Price One Shilling. This is a complete plan brought forward by the writer to lessen the appalling mortality now carrying off the infantile and young population in the great Australian cities. Its chief feature is the advocacy of that ultra-successful New York scheme, known as St. John's Guild ; by which the infants and children from the slums and crowded quarters, every day or so during the hot season, are towed out to the fresh ocean breezes, on board a large floating barge. In this way, and with the assistance of other adjuncts, the life-loss of the little ones has, in New York, been reduced to an extent almost beyond belief. A similar method must be adopted for Australia (certainly in Sydney and in Melbourne) ; for whilst in London itself the death- rate of children under one year per i,ooo births is only isrio, in Sydney it reaches to i66'ii, and in Melbourne actually attains the formidable proportion of 171 73. Moreover, the authoritative figures of Messrs. T. A. Coghlan, of Sydney ; H. H. Hayten of Melbourne ; G. H. Ayliffe, of Adelaide ; and Thornhill Weedon, of Brisbane, reveal the distressing fact that during the last six years, in these four metropolitan cities, out of a total number of 110,209 deaths, no less than 34,692 were infants under the age of one year. In other words, out of nearly every three deaths, one is of an infant not twelve months old. The truth is, the problem of the " submerged tenth " in the old country has become that of the " buried third " in the metropolitan Australian cities. In preparation, the foUoiving Two Volumes : HOW AUSTRALIA TREATS HER CHILDREN AND THE SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT OF THE DISEASES OF AUSTRALIAN INFANTS AND CHILDREN ; Arranged in Dictionary Form.