Page:The Atlantic Monthly Volume 2.djvu/612

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The Birds of the Garden and Orchard.
Var. 6.
 \relative g' { \key g \major \time 3/4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f g4^"Brilliant." g g | fis''16\startTrillSpan fis fis fis fis fis fis fis fis fis fis fis\stopTrillSpan | fis8( b,) fis'( b,) fis'( b,) | d16\startTrillSpan d d d d d d d d d d d\stopTrillSpan | \grace { d( a'\staccatissimo) } g,4\staccatissimo }
Var. 7.
 \relative b'' { \key g \major \time 3/4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \cadenzaOn b16[(^"Sad." d8.)] b16[( d8.)] \bar "|" g,4( b16[)( d8.]) \bar "|" g,,16[ g g g g g g g g g g g] \bar "|" \grace { a16([ b c d e g)] a'_[^(\staccatissimo d,]) } g,4 }

Note.—The notes marked guttural seem to me to be performed by a rapid trilling of these notes with their octave. It should be added, that no bird sings constantly in so regular time as is represented above, and the intervals between the high and low notes are very irregular. Both the time and the tune are in great measure ad libitum.

SONG OF THE LINNET. (Fringilla purpurea.)

 \relative g'' { \key g \major \time 2/4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f g8^"THEME." g16( d) \grace { e\trill fis } g( a) b8 | \repeat unfold 2 { g8 g16( d) \grace { e\trill fis } g( a) b8 } | b( d) r \bar "||" }
 \relative g'' { \key g \major \time 2/4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f g8^"Variation" g16( d) \grace { e fis } g a b8 | b( g) b( g) | b4.( g8) | b( g) \repeat unfold 3 { \grace { g16\trill g } b8( g) } | b4.( g8) | b4.( g8) | \time 4/4 b( g) b( g) s4^"etc., etc." }

SONG OF THE WREN. (Troglodytes fulvus.)

 \relative g''' { \key g \major \time 5/8 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \autoBeamOff \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) g8\staccatissimo^"Sharp and shrill." g\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g16[\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo \afterGrace g]\staccatissimo { g[ fis e d c b a g] fis[ e d c b a g] } | \time 16/16 g32[\trill a \repeat unfold 6 { g a } g a] a[\staccatissimo a]\staccatissimo b[\staccatissimo b]\staccatissimo c[\staccatissimo c]\staccatissimo d[\staccatissimo d]\staccatissimo fis[\staccatissimo\trill \repeat unfold 6 { fis\staccatissimo } fis]\staccatissimo | \time 5/8 \grace { fis[ g a b c d e fis g] } g8\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g16[\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo \afterGrace g]\staccatissimo { g[ fis e d c b a g fis] e[ d c b a g] } | \time 12/16 g[\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g]\staccatissimo a32[\staccatissimo a]\staccatissimo b[\staccatissimo b]\staccatissimo c[\staccatissimo c]\staccatissimo d[\staccatissimo d]\staccatissimo fis[ fis fis fis fis fis fis \afterGrace fis] { fis16[ g b c d e fis g] } | \time 6/8 g8\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g16[\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g\staccatissimo g]\staccatissimo s^"Concluded Ad Libitum." }

SONG OF THE ROBIN. (Turdus migratorius.)

 \relative d'' { \key d \major \time 6/8 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \repeat unfold 2 { d8 cis d cis d e | g fis g d cis d | d'^"Shrill." d d s4 r8 | } d, cis d cis d e | b'[ g]^"etc." \bar "||" }