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Emperor. Eunuchs, convey Our will, and quick command the presence of Kuo Tzu-I, Prince of Fêng Yang.

Eunuchs. His Majesty commands Kuo Tzu-I to attend.

Kuo Tzu-I. (outside) I hear.

Kuo Tzu-I. The Prince of Fêng Yang has bound his rebellious son to teach him propriety.

(Enter Kuo Tzu-I and Kuo Ai, his son, bound)

Tzu-I. Harshly must I speak to you my son for your failure in decorum. O ungrateful boy! An Lu-Shan raised the standard of rebellion in Ho Tung, and His Majesty, on T‘ai Po’s recommendation, sent me thither. Three years I fought, three years of bloody strife and constant watchfulness. At last my trusty sword fell on their necks; rebellion checked, I was created Prince, and you were mated with my master’s daughter. And this is the end! In a drunken fir you return home and beat your wife, a scion of the Royal stock. Alas! how soon your head must fall at the palace gate and mine be bowed with sorrow.

Kuo Ai. Father, do not thus reproach me; let me explain. It was your birthday, and I, impelled by love and duty, ought to bow before you. All the household came pair by pair and only I alone. In the depths of her palace sat my wife, in her pride holding my father and mother as nought. True, my wife is a jade leaf with golden stem, but my anger arose, and I beat her; now you know the truth. If His Majesty finds me in fault, then she may rejoice in a new spouse, and one, perhaps, more to her mind.

Tzu-I. Truly the lad speaks well. My boy, tell His Majesty ’twas but a drunken fit in which you acted rashly.