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(Empress enters.)

Empress. I have left my palace to see your Majesty. May my Lord live for ever!

Emperor. Draw near.

Empress. Hail, Eternal One!

Emperor. Be seated.

Empress. I thank your Majesty.

Emperor. On what errand come you hither?

Empress. Now has Kuo Ai in his anger beaten my child; my Lord must adjudge it.

Emperor. I cannot believe it.

Empress. Your Majesty scarce believes it; then cause the Princess to attend and question her. Thus the truth will appear.

Emperor. Command the Princess to attend.

(Attendant Eunuchs pass on the command.)

Princess. I have heard the Imperial command.

(Four Maids of Honour lead in the Princess; they sing:—)

Tearful and sadly behold whom we bring,
To the dread throne of her father the King.
As forward we lead her before him to kneel,
Slowly the pearly tears down her cheeks steal.

Emperor. I see the tears of anguish, the torn headdress and marks of woe. Tell me, my daughter, whence comes this; tell me the cause of grief.

Princess. Father-King and Mother-Queen, let me speak I pray you, and I will show you all. This is my husband’s doing, ruffian that he is. After a riotous feast he returned to the palace drunken, and for no cause beat me. No question did he ask but struck me foul blows with clenched hand and gave me many a kick. He said my father’s lands and all his wide possessions were due to him, due to his