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The Bell System Technical Journal

Devoted to the Scientific and Engineering Aspects
of Electrical Communication


J. J. Carty Bancroft Gherardi F. B. Jewett E. B. Craft L. F. Morehouse O. B. Blackwell H. P. Charlesworth E. H. Colpitts R. W. King—Ec/ffor Published quarterly by the AmericanTe'ephone andTelegraph Company, through its Information Department, in behalf of the Western Electric Company and the Associated Companies of the Bell System Address all correspandcnce to the Editor Information Department AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 195 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, N. Y. Copyright, 1922. Application for Second Class Matter Pending

50c. Per Copy
$1.50 Per Year

Vol. I
JULY, 1922
No. 1


MODERN industry is characterized by the extent to which scientific research and technique based on precise study have contributed to progress. So complete has been the adaption of and reliance on scientific research in many industries that it is difficult at this time to visualize the state of affairs of two or three decades ago, when substantially all industry on its technical side was dependent for advancement on cut-and-try, rule-of-thumb, methods of development. Today in many industries the management would not think of embarking on a new project without consulting their research engineers.

Many industries have proved the benefits to be derived from the utilization of that organized knowledge provided both in the fields of the physical sciences and in those newer fields which have to do with psychology and economics. There are still greater numbers of industrial organizations where the adoption of scientific methods has been slow. However, the time will undoubtedly come when every industry will recognize the aid it can derive from scientific research in some form as it now recognizes its dependence for motive power on steam or electricity rather than on muscular activity.