Page:The Best Continental Short Stories of 1923–1924.djvu/14

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There is an abundance of material in the case of certain nations which renders the selection of one story always open to question. Other countries afford so little choice that it is extremely difficult to find even one story worthy of the title “best.” I have been guided, therefore, in my selection not only by the usual standards of unity, construction, style, interest, and completeness of plot, but likewise by a consideration of the customs and intellectual development of each nation.

“The Place in the Sun,” by V. Blasco Ibanez is unquestionably the best story published in Spain during the past year. It is difficult, however, to limit one’s choice to one story. In Italy, I have been obliged to select two stories, the “Red Note Book,” by Luigi Pirandello and the “Illusion,” by Virgilio Brocchi. I have omitted, however, two other stories of almost equal merit. In the case of Norway, Denmark, Portugal, and Bulgaria, I had great difficulty in finding a sufficient choice. I am particularly indebted to M. Nicholas Stoiloff, Councillor of Legation, for his invaluable assistance in the case of Bulgaria.

“The Yearbook of the Continental Short Story,” which represents the bibliography of this volume is necessarily incomplete, since it includes only those works which either one of my assistants or I have read. I should be greatly indebted if the various publishers and editors of magazines whose names are not included in the Yearbook would forward to me in care of the Credit Lyonnais, 19 Boulevard des Italiens, Paris, copies of their magazines, books, or catalogues, in order that they may be inserted in future volumes.