Page:The Black Prince (John Naimbanna).djvu/16

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penitent, and relies for salvation on Christ alone. Nor were the new views unavailing; on the contrary; they produced striking effects. In consequence of them, with the help of God's grace, he imbibes the spirit of the gospel. His prejudices are overcome, his temper is regulated, his passions curbed, his very manners are improved by it: in short, he seemed, to use the language of Scripture, "to become a new creature." Tell me, Reader, hast thou ever experienced in thyself this change which Naimbanna underwent? Remember that our Saviour has told us, that "except we be converted, and become as little children, we shall in no wise enter the kingdom of Heaven," Has thy heart been turned to fear and to love and to serve the Lord thy God, or does thy conscience witness against thee, that thou art yet a stranger to peace and joy, as well as to the obedience of the gospel.

If the living in a christian land, and called by a christian name, thou art nevertheless no Christian, repent without delay I beseech thee. Receive, from this time the Gospel as a little child. Put off that pride which stands in the way of thy repentance, and of thy salvation. Be humble and willing to learn like this Prince Naimbanna. Read like him the sacred Scriptures, with reverence and with prayer to God for his blessing. Soon, thy days like his, shall be numbered, and if thou, who art born in a christian land shouldst leave the world without having ever truly known the powerful influence of Christianity, the very story which thou hast just read shall hereafter rise up in judgment against thee.