Page:The Bohemian Review, vol1, 1917.djvu/90

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much ability of the intriguing kind in times of peace, brought the monarchy into discredit and worse. Military exigencies required the displacement of the incompetent general. He was placed on the reserve list with the understanding that his services would not be called for any more. But unfortunately the military code provided that a commander who failed should render an account before the court martial. Marie Valerie would not let her protege be punished or officially disgraced. She made use of a scheme frequently employed in the noble families of Austria to avoid responsibility for criminal or disgraceful actions. At her suggestion the blame of the general’s failure was put on his physician. He was found guilty for not reporting promptly that Potiorek suffered frequently from severe mental aberrations. The doctor was punished for the great man’s incompetence.

In February 1915, when the Russians menaced Cracow and the Carpathians, Auffenberg became tired of his enforced rest. Suddenly he appeared before minister Krobatin and asked for the command of another army. General Krobatin was dumfounded by the impudence of the discredited general and curtly refused even to consider the request, feeling that officers would object to service under a leader who left his last army in the marshes of Russian Poland. Auffenberg, however, imagined that he was not treated fairly. He knew that men who held responsible military posts were no better qualified than he, and not one of them had such claim to the gratitude of the Court for services rendered against the dead archduke. His challenge to Krobatin became known in Vienna and created consternation among the courtiers and even among the archduchesses: “If I do not get command at once, I shall expose publicly how Vienna selects generals for the armies of the emperor.”

The threat was not taken lightly by those to whom it was addressed. Auffenberg had taken chief part in the intrigues against Francis Ferdinand; he knew how ministries and laws and political history were made in Austria; he knew why Potiorek was placed in command of the southern army. If this man should reveal what was done behind the scenes, what a tremendous scandal would arise. Why, persons of the very highest rank would find their reputations tarnished. Ministers who were on the inside, the courtiers around Marie Valerie, General Krobatin himself urged that Auffenberg be suppressed. There was no lack of pretexts. Why not make use of the old charge of graft in connection with the sale of rifles to Roumania? It did not matter that this charge had been made a long time ago and did not prevent Auffenberg’s promotion to the command of Austria’s biggest army. Auffenberg was hauled before a court martial, placed in custody, his papers and effects were searched several times, he was examined and cross-examined, until his arrogance was properly reduced, and then he was offered terms. If he would keep quiet until the end of the war, he would be reinstated in his old command as soon as fighting was over; he might again become minister with opportunities to acquire a fortune. But he must efface himself for the present, for the army would have none of him. Should he refuse these terms, the court martial will be ordered to proceed with the utmost strictness, he will be found guilty of defrauding the state, his property will be confiscated and he himself sentenced to a term in the fortress prison. Marie Valerie approved these terms and used her influence to convince the general that he had better accept them.

Auffenberg realized that his adversaries were too strong for him and gave up the fight. The court martial announced publicly that investigation into Auffenberg's conduct as war minister established his complete integrity. The world lost a chance of finding out how history was made in the Court of Vienna. But enough got out to cause the historian to doubt the sincerity of Austrian rulers, when they proclaimed war on Serbia to avenge the death of the imperial heir.

There will hardly be another chance during the war to uncover the truth. Today German generals dispose of the armies of the new Austrian emperor, and German officials sit on the lid in Vienna. But when the war is over and the empire of the Hapsburgs is a thing of the past, then we may expect the full truth to come out. And the truth will utterly condemn all those who were responsible for the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia.

One of the most horrible news items recently brought here by an immigrant woman from Bohemia is the instruction given by the Austrian government to physicians that they need not attend children under 8 years or old people over 60. The government claims that this measure is made necessary by lack of physicians.