Page:The Bonn Constitution (Basic Law FRG 1949).pdf/12

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Article 10

Secrecy of the mail as well as secrecy of the post and telecommunications shall be inviolable. Restrictions may be ordered only on the basis of a law.

Article 11

(1) All Germans shall enjoy freedom of movement throughout the federal territory.

(2) This right may be restricted only by legislation and only for the cases in which an adequate basis of existence is absent and, as a result, particular burdens would arise for the general public or in which it is necessary for the protection of juveniles from neglect, for combatting the danger of epidemics or in order to prevent criminal acts.

Article 12

(1) All Germans shall have the right freely to choose their occupation, place of work and place of training. The practice of an occupation may be regulated by legislation.

(2) No one may be compelled to perform a particular kind of work except within the framework of an established general compulsory public service equally applicable to everybody.

(3) Forced labour shall be admissible only in the event of imprisonment ordered by a court.

Article 13

(1) The dwelling shall be inviolable.

(2) Searches may be ordered only by a judge or in the event of imminent danger by other authorities provided by law and may be carried out only in the form prescribed therein.

(3) Interventions and restrictions may otherwise be undertaken only to avert a common danger or mortal danger to individuals and, on the basis of a law , also to prevent imminent danger to public safety and order, especially for the relief of the housing shortage, combatting the danger of epidemics or protecting juveniles exposed to dangers.
