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(2) The Federation shall have legislative rights in this field insofar as a necessity for regulation by federal law exists because:

  1. a matter cannot be effectively regulated by the legislation of individual Laender, or
  2. the regulation of a matter by a Land law could prejudice the interests of other Laender or of the Laender as a whole, or
  3. the preservation of legal or economic unity demands it, in particular the preservation of uniformity of living conditions extending beyond the territory of an individual Land.

Article 73

The Federation shall have exclusive legislation on :

  1. foreign affairs;
  2. citizenship of the Federation;
  3. freedom of movement, passports, immigration , emigration and extradition;
  4. currency, money and coinage,weights and measures and regulation of time and calendar;
  5. the unity of customs and commercial territory, commercial and navigation agreements, the freedom of traffic in goods and the traffic in goods and payments with foreign countries, including customs and frontier protection;
  6. federal railways and air traffic;
  7. post and telecommunications;
  8. the legal status of persons in the employment of the Federation and of public law corporations under direct supervision of the Federal Government;
  9. trademarks, copyright and publishing rights;
  10. co-operation of the Federation and the Laender in the criminal police and in matters concerning the protection of the constitution, the establishment of a Federal Office of Criminal Police, as well as the combatting of international crime;
  11. statistics for federal purposes.