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we enjoy; how frequently is gladness diffused through our hearts, and as we pass from state to state, and new truth develops itself at every step we take, we feel the benefit of resignation to Thy divine guidance. We are instructed in the duty of preserving our conscience clean and void of offence, and to acquire that purity of heart which is the source of all true serenity, and which gives a clear perception of the truth of the words, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." May we see Thee in this world, in Thy corrections as well as in Thy favours; and when we have been purified by Thy corrections, may we see Thee and enjoy Thee in Thy heavenly kingdom for ever. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


O LORD Jesus Christ, Thou hast instructed us that, unless we become converted, and as little children, we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Help us to attain to this childlike disposition. We confess, O Lord, that we have departed from Thy precepts; we have not found pleasure in communion with the spirits of the just made perfect; and so besotted have we been in pursuing our own sensual gratifications, that, but for the restraining hand of Thy providence, we must have perished. But Thou hast not left us without a spiritual guide, even in contemplating the states of infancy; for as we behold the innocency of natural delights displayed in their enjoyments, Thou hast shown us that these have a spiritual origin, and that infants constantly behold the face of Thee, our Father in the heavens. If, therefore, we would become regenerate, we must become as children.

"If a man love Thee he will keep Thy sayings, and Thou wilt love him, and wilt manifest Thyself unto him." It is from this love that Thy truth is constantly unfolding its beauty before us, showing more and more interiorly our own states, and unfolding more clearly our various duties.

O Lord God our Saviour, help us to overcome our self-hood; aid us to sell all that we have—to lay down our own life that we may find life eternal. For we feel that the love of self and the world are the grand obstacles to our advancement in the divine life. To become regenerate, we must prefer heavenly to earthly riches. We must strive after spiritual excellence rather than after worldly power or worldly fame. We must prefer carrying Thy cross to the elevation of ourselves by worldly ambition. We must be content to be poor and humble, and to commit our way to Thee. O Lord, Help us, we beseech Thee, to attain these states, for Thy name and mercy sake. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


MERCIFUL and redeeming Lord! Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Thy name alone is holy, and Thou alone art worthy to receive adoration and praise. The members of this family humbly approach Thee, at the close of another day, and desire to unite in thanksgiving for all its blessings and