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reverence and devotion, and to acknowledge, with humble and grateful hearts, that hitherto Thou hast upheld us, and we know that Thou wilt continue to be our guide even unto death.

Help us to serve Thee with newness of spirit, and to enter upon this day's duties under the influence of Thy love and fear. Help us to become of the number of Thy true and faithful disciples, to subdue within us the pride of self-love and the love of the world, and to be willing to become the least of all and the servant of all.

Thou alone canst discover the heart's secrets, and knowest the motives which prompt men to action, therefore Thou alone oughtest to be the judge of men's actions. O make us sensible of this truth, that we may never presume to judge of the actions of others, or pass censure upon what we so imperfectly behold and understand. Remembering Thine own words, "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned;" may we, while we abhor evil and strive to avoid error, be anxious rather to heal than to injure, to cast a veil over the infirmities of others rather than to expose them; and from, a deep and humble sense of our own iniquities, consider how difficult we have found the relinquishment of our own selfish gratifications, and thus learn to make allowance for others. Assist us to labour indefatigably for our own conversion; and when we are converted, then may we be zealous to strengthen our brethren. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


O GRACIOUS Lord, our heavenly Father, we approach Thee this evening, grateful for Thy divine protection during the day, and humbly acknowledging our unworthiness.

Mingling with the world as we have been, we confess that its temper and spirit is partaken of by us, and our affections and thoughts lean too much to its pleasures and enjoyments. We feel, O Lord, that it is a great privilege to be able to withdraw ourselves from its concerns, and to meditate upon that eternal world where charity is exercised in its own heavenly spirit, and all the blessed inhabitants really love their neighbour as themselves.

O how marvellously hast Thou arranged our affairs here, and how wonderfully, by Thy providence, dost Thou dispose our affections to the conviction that "this is not our rest"! We see the rapid changes to which every thing is subjected, and in nothing is the uncertainty of the world more distinctly seen than in the removal into eternity of those upon whom our natural affections have been fixed, and with whom we have interchanged all the kind offices of family love. It is these changes and vicissitudes that draw us continually to Thy presence; and Thou art found by all those that diligently seek Thee.

Thou art ever present in Thy Word of divine truth—that divine book, filled With Thy Spirit and life; and by a devout contemplation of Thy works in nature, we may also be instructed and prepared for our eternal habitation in the heavens. Amen.

Our Father, etc.