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carest for Thy sheep; and as we in humble confidence follow Thee, so wilt Thou make us to lie down in green pastures, and lead us beside the still waters of rest and tranquillity. O help us to carry with us into these green pastures tender and grateful hearts—hearts melting with love; love towards Thee and towards each other—hearts at once pitiful and sympathising, and anxious only to do good and to communicate; knowing that with such sacrifices Thou art well pleased; and may the freshness and verdure which everywhere surrounds us at the present season of the year, enkindle our affections into a holy and pure flame of heavenly love. May the sight of the grass, and the odour of the flowers, deeply impress us with the recollection of the inexhaustible bounty of Thee, our most beneficent Father. May we feel a thorough conviction that the goodness of our God is everywhere displayed, and that there is not a corner of the earth in which Thou, O Lord, hast not manifested traces of Thy tender providential care. Thou hast made the whole earth one vast treasurehouse of Thy divine bounty. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


THOU O Lord, reignest, let the earth be glad, let the inhabitants of the earth rejoice, let all who have seen and tasted of Thy mercy say continually, The Lord be magnified.

O Lord, permit us, after the refreshing influences of sleep, to approach Thee, and to offer unto Thee our morning tribute of praise and adoration. All our hopes centre in Thee. Thou art our Creator, Redeemer, and Preserver, and we would humbly adore Thee for all the wonderful displays of Thy boundless love.

Great Author of our being, we desire to approach Thee as the eternal Truth, the glorious Sun of righteousness. Arise, shine within our souls, we beseech Thee; send forth Thy light as we are prepared to receive it. As the twilight ushers in the morn, so may the first principles of truth dawn upon our understandings and prepare them for the more glorious revelation of Thy wisdom when we shall have advanced in the way of the regeneration. Teach us to look through the emblem of Thy presence—the sun—up to Thee, the Crestor of that glorious luminary; that we may feel in his fervent heat a symbol of Thy perfect love, and see in his glorious light a faint resemblance of Thine all-perfect truth; and O help us to open our hearts and understandings that Thy love and wisdom may find a ready entrance into oar souls. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


AmoeaTy and most merciful Fathor, permit us, at the close of

another week of our existence, to approach Thee, to magnify that love which has so unremittingly been bestowed upon us, and io adore Thee for that providental care and solicitude, which has hitherto sustained uz. When we look back upon alt Thy tender mercies, upon all the benefits which have so unceasingly been bestowed upon us, and comparo them with our constant unworthiness and frequent ingratitude,