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O LORD Jesus Christ, we acknowledge that it is the love of self that is the grand obstacle to our spiritual progress. Lord, forgive us for Thy name sake; and as for our transgressions, purge them from us, we beseech Thee, and let the light of Thy truth guide us in the way we should go; and the heat of Thy love perfect us in all that is good and heavenly. O wash us thoroughly from our iniquities, and purify us from our evils, for we have no hope, O Lord, but in Thee. Without Thine aid, we have no strength to keep even those resolutions that are good. May Thy loving-kindness and Thy truth be ever before us; and as we look to Thee in all that we do, and pray to Thee for counsel in all that we undertake, so may we be preserved from our evils for the future, and be led in the way everlasting.

Help us, Lord, on the eve of another Sabbath, to form anew a resolution to serve Thee with greater spirituality; and O help us to keep such resolution. Help us to prepare our minds for the instruction which awaits us. Confessing our sins, and not attempting to hide our evils from Thee; help us to compass Thine altar, free from worldly cares and worldly distractions, and to worship Thee in the beauty of holiness. Endow us with grateful hearts for the mercies of the past week, and fill us with the graces of Thy Spirit, that we may go and sin no more. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


O LORD Jesus Christ, we bow before Thy footstool on the return of the day of rest. Thou bringest with it the most exalted privileges; and one of the greatest of these is holding especial communion with Thee. We praise Thy holy name for the appointed means whereby we may approach Thee, and hold conversation with Thee; Thy holy Word is ever open; Thy speech in it is constantly heard by those who listen to Thy divine voice, and we hehold in it the appointed medium of communication between earth and heaven; between Thee, O God, and Thy creatures.

We praise Thee that Thou hast not left us without a visible but spiritual perception of Thy presence. In Thy divine humanity Thy glorious perfections are so attempered aa to be adapted to the respective perceptions of Thy creatures. Thus we behold Thee as the medium between God and man; and thus are we brought near to Thee by the display of Thy divine perfections, veiled in accommodation to our weakness.

Lord, we bescech Thee, assist us to prepare ourselves for the duties of this day. Pour Thy Spirit upon us; quicken and elevate our affections. Impart unto us that true humility which shall lead to a devout surrender of all our powers to Thy service; and grant that this day may prepare us for the enjoyment of the more perfect Sabbath in Thy kingdom. Amen.

Our Father, etc.