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spared us? All that we can answer is, that "it is of the Lord's mercy we are not consumed;" He has overshadowed us with the wings of His divine protection; and in our preservation we are called upon to rejoice with trembling, while with gratitude we acknowledge, "The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad."

Blessed be Thy holy name, O Lord, for this morning's enjoyments in Thy sanctuary and in the closet. Our souls rest on Thee; in Thee do we trust: suffer us not to be confounded. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


LORD! wo beseech Thee, let Thy blessing accompany the reading and preaching of Thy Word this day. May all who have heard it look with confidence to Thee, and while they acknowledge that no good thing will be withheld from them that put their trust in Thee, may their acknowledgment be accompanied with contented and humble spirits; and may we all feel grateful for the blessings we enjoy in the several stations Thou hast allotted us. Keep our hearts open to the blessed virtue of contentment, O Lord our Saviour. Thy love and beneficence are displayed in all Thy works, and in these we all participate. The orb of day, the luminary of night, are the work of Thy hand, and Thou hast formed the eye that it may rejoice in the glorious light. O help us to rejoice with contented spirits that these glorious luminaries, while they pour their radiance around, are ours to enjoy equally with those who fill more exalted stations.

To inspire us with contentment, help us to reflect upon all the wonders spread around, abroad, above, and below us; to consider the work of Thy hand; that there is no object, even the most diminutive, but reads to us the lesson of contented enjoyment in the path in which it travels, and even those which are inanimate shall appear to instruct us by the wise maxim, "Be content with such things as ye have.":

Lord, we owe our all to Thee! Thy voice calied us into existence! Thy hand fashioned us! Thy life pervades our every faculty! In Thee we live and move and are. With gratitude we commit our souls to Thy keeping. Whether oppressed by adversity, or steeped deeply in affliction, in the tempest or in the calm, in high health, or in languishing sickness, Lord teach us to be content, and in patience to possess our souls. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


EVER blessed, merciful, and gracious Lord God, we approach Thy Divine Majesty this morning impressed with gratitude for Thy protection during the night season, and imploring a continuance of Thy watchfulness now that we have entered upon the duties of another day and another week.

We know that Thou needest not to be petitioned by us, for Thou notest all our wants, and the vicissitudes through which we have to pass are not hidden from Thine eye; but it is for our benefit that we should