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And may all the glory he ascribed unto Thee, who art God over all, blessed for evermure. Amen. Our Father, ete.


O LORD Jesus Christ, the friend of all Thy people, their Saviour, Redeemer, and Regenerator, we approach Thee under a due sense of Thy loving-kindness and tender mercy. Give ear to our words, we beseech Thee, consider our meditation, hearken unto the voice of our cry, for unto Thee alone do we offer our petitions. Our voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will we direet our prayer unto Thee, and will look up.

O Lord, we desire to offer our thanksgivings unto Thee, for Thou art good. Thy compassion fails not, but Thy mercy endureth for ever. What can we render unto Thee for all Thy benefits? We have nothing, O Lord, but gratitude and thanksgiving; and O may this morning's devotions prove a record of our gratitude and love!

We now enter upon another week of labour. O make it one of usefulness to our fellow creatures; may we strive to improve every moment of this day, and may thoughts of heaven perpetually cheer us and urge us onward in the path of the regeneration.

In every act in which we engage, and in which good is designed to our fellow creatures, Thou art present; Thou art as its soul, Thou art the very life and energy of it; yea, Lord, Thou dwellest in everything that is good. O what a stimulus would this prove unto us, did we but sufficiently consider it: "To do good," therefore, "and to communicate" may we never forget; "for with such sacrifices Thou art well pleased." Amen.

Our Father, etc.


i} OST merciful Lord our God. Thou art great; we willexalt Thea! We p| will praise Thy name for ever and ever; Thy mereies are ever new towards us. Thou bast brought us safely through this day, and we again assemble at our family alter to seek Thy face, and utter our thanksgivings in Thy presence.

O Thou who art high and sittest on the throne of Thy righteousness, before whose face the very angela are charged with folly, and are not pure jn Thy sight, wilt Thou indeed dweil with men upon earth? Yea. Lord | Thou hast so declared. Thou wilt dwell even with us, ta comfort the hearts of the humble and to revive the spirit of the contrite ones.

O wondrous love! divine condescension! We can but adore Thee in silent gratitude |

Thou art high and inhabitest eternity. There are supreme goodness and supreme wisdom; and yet even the lowest principle of human life in which is good, the simplest thought of the understanding in which is truth, find their conjoining principlesin Thy glorified humanity. We can ascend by mediums into conjunction with those that are most high, and thus the humblest soul can be replenished with all the graces of love, wisdom, and blessedness, from Thee, the eternal fountaim of mercy. It