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upon the life, therefore do we do fervently pray, that we may be sanctified by Thy truth.

Lord, be with us this night, and let the angel of Thy presence watch over us. Shield us from the imputations of our spiritual enemies, and let our sleep be calm and refreshing.

Let Thy soothing consolations be extended to the sick and to the afflicted, and Thy saving health to all nations. These blessings for them, for us, and all mankind, we humbly ask for Thy own name sake. Amen.

Our Father, etc.


O LORD Jesus Christ, help us, we beseech Thee, to be obedient to Thy divine injunction, and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

We have seen the wicked in great power, and flourishing as a green bay-tree, but they have quickly passed away, and the poor in spirit alone have possessed their souls in peace. O teach us, we humbly entreat Thee, and confirm the truth within our inmost souls, that there is no satisfaction but in immortal possessions; that the real treasures, those which we should most diligently labour for, are the treasures of Thy righteousness, of Thy love and truth. All things that begin and end temporally are only so far valuable as they tend the better to prepare us for the enjoyment of eternity. When we have made some progress in the regenerate life, though our steps are still tottering and feeble as the steps of infancy, yet, how unsatisfactory unto us appear the joys and the pleasures of the world, and in the little we have attained, how much of solid comfort we possess.

O Lord Jesus Christ, every day's existence convinces us of the necessity of regeneration. Help us, we beseech Thee, to perform this great work. In Thy help alone can our regeneration be effected.

As years advance, O God, let us ever feel Thy presence; may we not only seek Thee daily, but may Thy fear be ever before our eyes; may all out thoughts, words, and actions have eternal purposes in them; may we be more and more useful to our fellow-creatures, more and more faithful unto Thee: for Thy loving-kindness is better than life, and true wisdom teaches that Thou alone canst safely guide us from this world to the heavens. Amen.


FATHER of eternity, blest Source of life and light; O feed our souls with conscious peace, and virtue pure; sacred, substantial, never failing trust in Thee. Teach us, O Heavenly Father, even while we live in time, to know and feel that to be fed with virtue is to be fed with the bread of life. For virtue is eternal, and the soul impressed with its dictates will look constantly unto Thee for assistance to enable us to practise it.

O God of all consolation, when trial comes upon us, may virtue, a love of truth, a love of goodness, a desire to be useful, bear down all minor considerations. O keep our souls open to instruction, from all with