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and thine own.’  ‘How so?’ asked Merzewan; and the Vizier answered, ‘Thou art now about to go up and pass among Amirs and Viziers, all silent and speaking not, because of Kemerezzeman, the King’s son.’ When Merzewan heard the name of Kemerezzeman, he knew that this was he of whom he came in search, but he feigned ignorance and said to the Vizier, ‘And who is Kemerezzeman?’ Quoth the Vizier, ‘He is the King’s son and lies sick on his couch, restless, eating not nor drinking neither sleeping night nor day; indeed he is nigh upon death and we have lost hope of his recovery. Beware lest thou look too long on him or on any place other than that where thou settest thy feet: else thou art a lost man and I also.’ ‘O Vizier,’ said Merzewan, ‘I conjure thee by Allah, tell me of thy favour, the cause of this youth’s malady.’ ‘I know none,’ answered the Vizier, ‘save that, three years ago, his father pressed him to marry, but he refused; whereat the King was wroth and imprisoned him. On the morrow, he would have it that he had had, for a bedfellow, the night before, a young lady of surpassing beauty, beggaring description, with whom he had exchanged rings; but we know not the meaning of all this. So by Allah, O my son, when thou comest up into the palace, look not on the prince, but go thy way; for the King’s heart is full of anger against me.’ ‘By Allah,’ said Merzewan in himself, ‘this is he whom I sought!’ Then he followed the Vizier up to the palace, where the latter seated himself at the prince’s feet; but Merzewan must needs go up to Kemerezzeman and stand before him, gazing on him. At this, the Vizier was like to die of affright and signed to Merzewan to go his way; but he feigned not to see him and gave not over gazing upon Kemerezzeman, till he was Night cxcvii.assured that it was indeed he of whom he was in search. Then, ‘Glory be to God,’ cried he, ‘who hath made his shape even as her shape and his complexion as her com-