Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 4.djvu/119

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to give the damsels but they had no money; so he presented to each girl ten golden piled arrows from his quiver. Whereupon quoth one of them to her friend, "Well-a-day! These fashions pertain to none but Ma'an bin Zaidah! so let each one of us say somewhat of verse in his praise." Then quoth the first,

"He heads his arrows with piles of gold, * And while shooting his
     foes is his bounty doled:
Affording the wounded a means of cure, * And a sheet for the
     bider beneath the mould!"

And quoth the second,

"A warrior showing such open hand, * His boons all friends and
     all foes enfold:
The piles of his arrows of or are made, * So that battle his
     bounty may not withhold!"

And quoth the third,

"From that liberal-hand on his foes he rains * Shafts aureate-
    headed and manifold:
Wherewith the hurt shall chirurgeon pay, * And for slain the
     shrouds round their corpses roll'd."[1]

And there is also told a tale of


Now Ma'an bin Záidah went forth one day to the chase with his company, and they came upon a herd of gazelles; so they separated in pursuit and Ma'an was left alone to chase one of them. When he had made prize of it he alighted and slaughtered it; and as he was thus engaged, he espied a person[2] coming forth out of the desert on an ass. So he remounted and riding up to the new- comer, saluted him and asked him, "Whence comest

  1. The first girl calls gold "Titer" (pure, unalloyed metal); the second "Asjad" (gold generally) and the third "Ibríz" (virgin ore, the Greek {Greek letters}. This is a law of Arab rhetoric never to repeat the word except for a purpose and, as the language can produce 1,200,000 (to 100,000 in English) the copiousness is somewhat painful to readers.
  2. Arab. "Shakes" before noticed.