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went on the blaze which was kindled was as dry as a bone.

In less than half an hour the steak had been done to a turn, and they sat down to eat it. It was certainly a most informal meal, without plates or platter, and only Dick's pocket knife to cut the steak with. Yet neither had ever enjoyed a repast more. Having finished, they procured a drink at a flowing stream behind them, and then Dick cut off a chunk of the bear meat, wrapped it in a bit of skin and slung it over his shoulder.

We may want another meal of it before we reach civilization," he explained, "Nothing like preparing one's self, when we have the chance."

"It's a shame to leave such a beautiful bear skin robe behind," answered Nellie. "But I suppose it can not be helped. Oh, if only we were safe once more."

Again they set off on their weary tramp northward, and thus nearly two miles were covered. The sun was now coming out strongly, and Dick saw that his fair companion was beginning to grow tired.

"We will rest a little, Nellie," he said, "I think perhaps we can afford to take it easy now."

"I am so fearful that Indian is following us!" answered the girl with a shudder. "If he should find that bear, and— Oh, Dick, look!"

Nellie leaped to her feet from the seat she had just