Page:The Brasilian language and its agglutination.pdf/11

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To the Pronunciation and Reading


  • a, e, i, o, u, (unmarked) have short sounds, sometimes scarcely perceptible in ending syllables.
  • ◌̂ (upon vowel) markes long sound
  • ◌̀ (upon vowel) markes broad sound.
  • ◌̆ (upon u) markes a guttural sound, like the Greek υ.
  • ◌̃ (upon any vowel) markes nasal sound:—am, em, im, om, um.
  • ◌́ markes stress of voice (accent) upon certain syllables of words

Consonants and Dipthongal Sounds
"will be indicated afterwards"

Principal Abbreviations Used:

Lat. Latin.
Ger. German.
Eng. English.
It. Italian.
Fr. French.
Sp. Spanish.
Port. Portuguese.
Br. Brasilian.