Page:The Brasilian language and its agglutination.pdf/190

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118.—From all that has been said before, we think, we are enabled to draw the following general conclusions:

(1) That in the Brasilian language all the words are invariable; [27]

(11) That the distinction of number and gender in nouns, adjectivos, and pronouns (except the personal) are indicated, either by special words or by postpositions, and other formative elements; [30 to 34, 67 to Go, 74 to 80]

(III) That the persons of verbs are designated by means of prefixes which are, so to say, glued to them, with the same value and signification, as the personal suffixes of the Latin language; [85]

(IV) That the moods and tenses (the Present Indicative excepted) are expressed by the use of