Page:The Brasilian language and its agglutination.pdf/193

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Pags. No. Eratta Corrected
6 3 destinguish distinguish
10 6 language sare languages are
11 7 indu-ctions induc-tions
19 10 knwon known
23 12 can, rightly can rightly
30 16 the-refore therefore
34 , gene-ral general
38 29 distinguished. distinguished,
45 38 a s an s.
57 57 erciprocally reciprocally
59 59 (particle) particle)
64 66 to to dig to dig
68 69 kunhâ kunhā
74 71 tventy twenty
74 75 that that,
80 82 baptised; baptised,
81 , the those those
94 91 so-coll- so-call-
, , liing living
96 96 equal o equal to
100 98 a it it
103 99 postpo-istions postpo-sitions
110 102 t-inè iuká t-iné o-iuká
111 103 ixè iuká ixè re-iuká
113 104 au-xialiary aux-iliary
, , verbstare verb stare
124 110 lite-rally lit-erally
125 112 lesser- lesser
140 113 violenty violently
145 115(') either, or, either, or
, ' ' meither neither
147 116 peokì peokì,
148 , pêpè popè
154 , yuerselves yourselves
457 , maã mahẽ
459 , shead s head