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are used predicatively, on their appearing combined with subjects or possessive pronouns.

« The Scythic adjective is deprived of flection, like the English adjective; and there is the same lack of gender in nouns and pronouns, as in Persian.

« Words, which indicate relations, and conjunctions, are almost entirely unknown; the combination of the terms of a sentence is made, as is natural, « wherein verbs are not quite distinguished,» by means of declensions and verbal nouns. »[1]

— Except this last observation, relative to the words, which express relations and conjunctions, which are very numerous in Brazilian languages; we think, we are enabled to affirm, that in this speech are clearly and, perhaps, better realised all the characteristics, that Mr. Whitney has reputed essential to every agglutinative language.

From the clearly made analysis and the explanations, which will be given in the following chapters, we hope, the truth of our proposition will be firmly established.

  1. Life & Growth of Lang. cit.