Page:The British Warblers A History with Problems of Their Lives - 6 of 9.djvu/45

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Aëdon galactodes, Gould, Birds of Great Britain, vol. ii, 2 pp., pl. 53 (coloured figures of adults), 1870; Yarrell, British Birds, 4th Ed., vol. i, edited by Newton, pp. 355-359 (wood-cut), 1873; Dresser, Birds of Europe, vol. ii, pp. 547-552, pl. 85 (coloured figure of adult), 1874; Lilford, Coloured Figures, vol. iii, p. 30, pl. 15 (coloured figure of adult), 1883; Saunders, Manual of British Birds, 2nd Ed., pp. 73-74 (woodcut), 1897.
Sylyia galactodes, Seebohm, British Birds, vol. i, pp. 418-422, pl. 10, fig. 8 (egg), 1883.

Arabic, Bou-Djeha; French, Bec-fin rubigineux; German, der rostfarbige Sanger; Italian, Busignolo levantino; Spanish, Alzacola, Rubita, Vinadera.


Adult Male.—The upper parts generally are rusty isabelline, rather darker on the crown, rump, upper tail-coverts and two central tail-feathers. The rest of the tail-feathers are rusty brown, the three outer ones being broadly tipped with white followed by a band of blackish brown, while the two next ones are tipped with blackish brown only. The least wing-coverts, medium, and larger secondary coverts are the same colour as the upper parts. The flight-feathers are brown, the secondaries being edged with the same colour as the back and tipped with whitish brown, and approximately two-thirds of the outside edges of the primaries is rusty isabelline. The primary coverts and bastard-wing are brown edged with sandy buff. There is a distinct creamy white superciliary stripe, the lores are smoky brown and under the eye is a creamy white space, the cheeks being light rusty isabelline. The underparts are bullish white and the flanks burl. The abdomen proper is whitish, the