Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/308

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720 Bibliographies Sitgreaves, Captain L. An Expedition Down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers [from Yuma down]. Washington, 1853. Slocum, Captain Joshua. Sailing Alone Around the World. 1900. [In the sloop Spray .1 Voyage of the Liberdale. Boston, 1890. Smet, P. J. De. See De Smet, P. J. Smith, David L., and Oehler, Gottlieb P. [Moravian missionaries.] Description of a Journey and Visit to the Pawnee Indians who Live on the Platte River. . . by Bm. Gottlieb P. Oehler and David L. Smith, 22 April-i8 May, 1851. To which is added a description of the manners and customs of the Pawnee Indians. 1914. Smith, E. Boyd. My Village [France]. 1896. Smith, P. Hopkinson. A White Umbrella in Mexico. Boston, 1889. Well Worn Roads of Spain, Holland, and Italy. Boston, 1887. Gondola Days. 1897. Venice of Today. 1896. Sniith, Herbert H. Brazil, the Amazons and the Coast. 1879. Smith, Captain J. Early Days in the Black Hills. With some Accoimt of Cap- tain Jack Crawford. 1892. Smith, Mary Ettie V. Fifteen Years Among the Mormons. 1858. Smith, Thomas W. A Narrative of the Life, Travels and Sufferings of ... . Boston, 1844. Sonnichsen, Albert. Ten Months a Captive Among Filipinos. 1901. Soul^, F. The Annals of San Francisco. With a History of the First Discovery, Settlement, etc., of California. 1855. Southworth, Alvan S. Four Thousand Miles of African Travel. A Personal Record of a Journey up the Nile and through the Soudan to the Confines of Central Africa, etc. 1875. Spencer, Jesse A. The East. Sketches of Travel in Egypt and the Holy Land. 1850. Springer, John S. Forest Life and Forest Trees. Comprising Winter Camp-life Among the Loggers and Wild-wood Adventure, with Descriptions of Lumber- ing Operations on the Various Rivers of Maine and New Brunswick. 1856. Spurr, Josiah E. Through the Yukon Gold Diggings. A Narrative of Personal Travel. Boston, 1900. Squier, E. G. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley [with Davis]. 1848. Aboriginal Monuments of the State of New York. Washington, 1849. Waikna; or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. 1855. Nicaragua, Its People, Scenery, Monuments, and the Proposed Interoceanic Canal. 2 vols. 1852. The States of Central America. 1858. Peru, Incidents of Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas. 1877. Honduras and Guatemala. 1854. Sreedman, C. Bucking the Sagebrush; or, the Oregon Trail in the Seventies. 1904. Stanley C. True Life in the Far West by an American Cow-boy. n. p. n. d. [Santa F^ trail, etc.] Stanley, E. Rambles up the Yellowstone, etc. 1878. Stanley, Henry M. How I Found Livingstone. 1872. Coomassie and Magdala. 1874. Through the Dark Continent. 2vols. 1878. In Darkest Africa. 1890. The Congo and the Founding of Its Free State. 1885. Autobiography. 1909. My Early Travels. 2 vols. 1895. [Vol. I, Indians.] Through South Africa. 1898. Stansbury, Howard. Exploration and Survey [1849] of the Valley of Great Salt Lake of Utah, Including a New Route through the Rocky Mountains. 2 vols.