Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/247

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on "Origin of Free Institutions in America"; nomi- nee of Democratic party for various judicial posi- tions; member of several State Conventions, Michi- gan. Member of the Michigan Bar Association; Knight of Columbus. Author of "Forms and Prec- edents in Chancery" (1908), and "Chancery Prac- tice" (1913). ARTICLE: Michigan.

Stadelman, Reverend Joseph M., s.j., b. at Gebweiler, Alsace, 4 June, 1858. Education; Col- lege of Providence, Amiens, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1877; ordained 1889; has been pro- fessor of Latin and Greek Classics, of modern lan- guages, of political economy and of ethics, in various Jesuit colleges; in charge of the Catholic Deaf Mutes of New York and Boston for eleven years; director (and founder), Xavier Free Publication Society for the Blind, New York City. Compiled first diction- ary of Sign Language in English (unpubhshed). Author of: "Valerian and Tiburtius" and "Judas Maccabeus", dramas for representation by deaf mutes; "Manual of Prayers and Devotions".

ARTICLES: Education of the Blind; Haut, Valentin.

Staniforth, Reverend Father Oswald (George Staniporth), o.s.p.c, ph.ii., b. at Erith, Kent, Eng- land, 27 December, 1866. Education: St. Augustine's College, Ramsgate, and various Capuchin scholasti- cates, England. Entered the Capuchin Order 1883; ordained 1899; engaged in parish work at various times at Pantasaph, Olton, Chester, Peckham, and Crawley, England, 1891-1909; professor of theology in various houses of his order 1895-1898, 1909-1911; acting chaplain in the British Army, South Africa, 1902-1903; engaged m missionary work, California, 1904r-1906; has filled the posts of vicar (four times) and of lector of theology (five times) in various houses of his order; vicar. Monastery of the Im- maculate Conception, Olton, Birmingham, England, 1909-1913; acting chaplain in the British Army, 1915-1917; at present at Franciscan Monastery, Pantasaph, Holywell. Author of: "The Saint of the Eucharist"; "Sketch of St. Louis, King of France"; "Life of St. Francis", pamphlet for Catho- hc Truth Society; contributor to "Franciscan An- nals".

ARTICLE: Pascal Batlon, Saint.

Stanislaus, Reverend Brother, b. at Horse- heads, New York, 1876. Education: Union Acad- emy, Horseheads. Entered Order of Brothers of the Holy Infancy; former assistant superintendent of the Working Boys' Home, Buffalo, New York; pre- fect, St. John's Protectory, Lackawanna, 1895- Contributor (under name of Dennis J. Markham) to the "Victorian". ARTICLE: Holt Infancy, Brothers of the.

Stanislaus, Mother M. Superior of St. Michael's Presentation Convent, New York. ARTICLE: Presentation Order in America.

Stanley, George Arnold, a.m., ph.s., b. at San Francisco, California, 10 August, 1859. Education: University of California, Berkeley. Formerly en- gaged in civil engineering (seven years) ; grand secre- tary. Young Men's Institute of America, 1891- Has attended officially all Grand Councils of Young Men's Institute since 1889.

ARTICLE: Yoiing Men's Institute.

Stapleton, Reverend John H., b. at Shelton, Conn., 28 October, 1873. Education: Sulpician Seminary, Montreal, Canada; St. Sulpice, Paris. Ordained 1899; has held the posts of curate in vari- ous parishes in the diocese of Hartford and instructor in St. Thomas's Seminary, Hartford, Coimecticut; rector, St. Louis's Church, New Haven, Connecticut,

1909-1911; rector. Sacred Heart Church, Taftville, Connecticut, 1911-1913; at present rector of St. Aloysius' Church, New Canaan, Connecticut. Mem- ber of the Vigilance Committee, diocese of Hartford. Author of: "Moral Briefs"; contributor to "Homi- letic Monthly"; "Catholic Transcript".

ARTICLES: Clericato, Giovanni; Climent, Jos^; Com- mandments of God; Compensation, Occult; Contenson, Vincent; Covetousness.

Steele, Fbancesca Maria, writer, b. in London, 21 April, 1848. Education: Bedford CoUege, Lon- don, under Professors Beesley, Heimann, Gardner, and Seeley. Became a Catholic 1887; has devoted most of her time to literature; resident at Stroud, Gloucestershire, England. Author of: "The Village Blacksmith"; "Fair Katherine"; "Lottie's Woo- ing"; "Chloe"; "Naomi's Transgression"; "Daugh- ters of Job"; "Brother Francis"; "The Game of Life" (Prize novel); "The Little Doctor" (Prize story); "Spoilt Guy"; "The Beautiful Queen Jo- anna I"; '\St. Bridget of Sweden"; "The Story of the EngUsh Pope"; "The Story of the Bridget- tines"; "Anchoresses of the West"; "Monasteries of Great Britain and Ireland"; "Convents of Great Britain"; collaborator in "Harmsworth's Encyclo- paedia"; contributor to: "American Catholic Quar- terly Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "The Month"; "Cathohc Times"; "Catholic World"; "Good Words"; "Temple Bar"- "Sun- day Magazine"; "Girls' Own Paper"; Gentle- man's Magazine . Pen name: Darley Dale.

ARTICLES: Blessed Sacrament, Congregation of the; Brigittines; Calvary, Congregation of Our Lady of; Charity, Sisters of, of Jesus and Mart; Charity, Sisters OF, OF St. Louis; Charity, Sisters of, of St. Paul; Christian Retreat, Congregation of; Flete, William; Gabriel, Brothers of Saint; Hallahan, Margaret; Hardman, Mart Juliana; Immaculate Conception, Sisters of the; Joseph, Sisters of Saint (English Branch) ; Joseph, Sisters of Saint, of Cluny; Joseph, Sisters of Saint, of the Apparition; Joseph, Sisters of Saint, of the Sacred Heart; Refuge, Sisters of Our Lady op Charity of the; Retreat of the Sacred Heart, Congregation of the; Taylor, Frances Margaret; Temple, Sisters of the; Tredway, Lettice Mary.

Steele, Gertrude Dana (Gertrude Henshaw Dana), b. at Worcester, Massachusetts, 9 December, 1871. Education: private schools; Boston Latin School; Convent of the Sacred Heart, Eknhurst, Providence, R. I. Received into the Catholic Church 1889. Married Dr. John McClary Steele 1900. Secretary of the Board of Editors and edito- rial assistant of The Catholic Encyclopedia 1905- ; manager of the London Office of The Catholic Encyclopedia in 1913.

ARTICLES: Colombi^ire, Claude de la; Gracian, BXl- tasar; Van der Sandt, Maximilian.

Stehle, Reverend Walter, o.s.b., b. near Ravensburg, Wiirttemberg, Germany, 18 January, 1869. Education: Gymnasium, Ravensburg; St. Vincent College, Beatty, Pennsylvania. Entered the Benedictine Order 1885; ordained 1894; engaged in parish and mission work 1894-1901; prefect and pro- fessor of Church history, homiletics, liturgy, and Eng- lish literature, St. Vincent Seminary, Beatty, 1901- 1906; rector, St. Vincent College and Seminary, Beatty, 1906-1914; at present prior and rector of St. Leonard's Priory and Benedictine College, Pueblo, Denver. Assists at all conventions and member of the Executive Board (1908- ), Cathohc Educa- tional Association. ARTICLE: Wimmer, Boniface.

Steichen, Reverend Michael, missionary Apos- tolic, Tokio, Japan. Education: Jesuit College, Paris; Seminary for Foreign Missions. Ordained 1886; at various times, director of the Cathohc Press, Japan; superior of the Seminary, Tokio; chaplain to the "Dames of St. Maur" of the Sacred Heart. Author of: "The Christian Daimyoa";