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possible suffering. The understanding will see clearly what great rewards it has lost; namely, heaven and God 1 O God! my God 1 pardon me for the love of Jesus. [ Excite your heart to contrition, and make a firm resolution ,]

III. Sinner, you who now are so indifferent whether or not you lose heaven and God, you will know how great has been your blindness when you shall see the triumph and joy of the blessed in heaven, and you yourself driven like an unclean creature from that blessed home, cast out from the presence of God and the company of Mary, of the Angels and Saints of God. Then, in a frenzy of despair, you will exclaim: O heaven, O place of joy ! O God! O infinite good! thou art not for me, thou wilt never more be mine! Alas! poor sinner, do penance rather now! amend your life at once. Examine your conscience again , and place before you your besetting sin.] O yes, wait not till time with you shall be no longer! — give yourself wholly to God. Begin to love him truly. Pray to Jesus, pray to Mary, that they may have pity on you [ Make a fervent act of contrition and a strong resolution.]


On the Eternity of Punishment.

I. Consider that hell has no end. There, all kinds of suffering are found, and for all eternity. Hundreds and thousands of years will pass in these torments, and yet hell will be always as if just beginning. Hundreds o£ thousands, hundreds of millions of years and of centuries will pass away, and hell will be still at its commencement. If at this very hour an angel should carry the tidings to one of the damned, I hat God had consented to free him