Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/70

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members of other Missions, which must not be overlooked. The most remarkable of these were the following:——

1864. Dr. Williamson, to Eastern Mongolia.
1865. Mr. Bagley, to "remote provinces."
1866. Dr. Williamson and Rev. J. Lees, to Shensi, through Shansi, returning viâ Honan.
1867. Mr. Johnson, of B. and F.B.S., to Honan.
1868. Mr. Wylie and Dr. John, of L.M.S., to Szechwan and through Shensi.
1868. Mr. Oxenham, from Peking to Hankow, through Honan.
1867-70. Mr. Wellman, of B. and F.B.S., in Shansi.
1870-72. Mr. Mollman, of B. and F.B.S., in Shansi.

While these widespread itinerations were taking place, the first general Missionary Conference was held at Shanghai. At that gathering it was estimated that the total number of men who had joined the Protestant Missions to the Chinese up to 1876 was 484. The total number of workers, men and women, in the field in 1877 was 473. Of these, 228 were attached to 15 British Societies, 212 were connected with 12 American Societies, while 26 represented 2 Continental Missions, and 7 were unconnected. The total number of converts was 13,035.

The Period of Progress, Persecution, and Prosperity, 1878-1907

The wider openings afforded by the Chefoo Convention and the interest aroused in the Home Churches by the Conference of 1877, together with other causes, led to a noticeable advance in the occupation of China for Christ. Only four new Societies entered upon work in China during the 'seventies. These Societies were: the Canadian Presbyterian, which commenced its work in Formosa in 1871, though it did not open up work on the mainland until 1888; the S.P.G. in 1874; the American Bible Society in 1876; and the Church of Scotland in 1878. In addition to many Tract and Educational Societies formed