Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/252

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242 APPENDIX. HENEAGE OP HAINTON. Barony. 1, Thb Rt. Hon. Edwabd Hbksaqb, of Hainton Hall, I. 1896. ^- l^nooln, water., 8 Jun* 1896, BARON HRNKAQB OP HAINTON, 00. lioooln. He wm 1st t. and 1l of George Fieechi Hknbagb, of HaiDton Hall (if. 11 May 1864, aged 68), by Pnuioea, da. of Michael Tabbuboh, of Buigwallia, oo. York ; waa 6. 29 March 1840, at Haintun Hall ; ed. at Kton: Sub. Lieut let Life Guarda, 1857-68 ; M.P. (Liberal Uoiiiniat). for Uncoln, 1865-68 : for Great Grimaby, 1880-92, and again 1893-96 ; P.0 , 1886 ; Chaiioellor of the Duchy of Lancaater and Yioe-Prea. of the Cooncil on Agriculture, Feb. to April, 1886 ; High Steward of Grimaby ; and waa mtwcf to iht peerage, 8 June 1896, aa above aUted. He in. 9 June 1864, at St. Geo., Han. aq., Kleanor Oectlia, yat. da. of William (Ham), 2d Babl of LnrowBi. [I.], by Maria Auguata, da. of Vice Admiral William Wikdhav. She waa 5. 8 Jan. 1845.^ FkmUf EdaUi.—Tbmb. in 1883, eonaiited of 10,761 aorea in Linoolnahire, worth £9,518 a year. /Vtnc^Ml tel.— Hainton Hall, near Wragby, on. Lincoln. HOLM PATRICK. Barony. i. Thb Rt. Hon. Ion-Trant Hamilton waa cr., 27 July I 1 897. 1807,(M BARON HOLM PATRIOK, of Holm Patrick, oa Dublin. He ' waa 2d but only aurr. a. and h. of Jamea liana Hamilton, of Abbota- town, CO. Dublin, M.P. for that county, 1841-63 (d 29 June 1863, aged 53), by Oaroline^ da. of John Frederick Tramt, of Dovea, co. Tipperary ; waa ft. 14 July 1889; ed. at Trin. ColL, Cambridge; M.P. for co. DubUn, 1863-65; L. Lieut thereof, 1892, and waa raieed to the peerage, 27 July 1897, aa above atated. He m., 6 Sep. 1877, Victoria Alezandrina, aiater of Henry, 3d Dues OP WiLLDiOTOir, lat da. of Major Gen. Lord Chablk Wbllbblit, by Auguata Sophia Anne, da. of the Rt. Hon. Henry Maa?era PnaRBPOMT. She, to whom Queen Victoria atood aponaor in peraon, waa b. 2 April 1847, and waa granted, by royal warranty 17 Not. 1884, the precedence of the da. of a Duke.=p Family Alatet.— Theae, in 1883, oonaiated of 3,647 acrea in co. Dublin ; 2,245 in Queena county ; 751 in co. Down, and 246 in oo. Meath. Total, 6,889 acrea worth X8,869 a year. Principal i8to(.— Abbotatown Houae, near Caatle Knock, co. Dublin. HOOD OF AVALON. Barony. i. Admiral Sir Arthur- Wiluam-Acland Hood, O.O.B., I 1^92 ^** ^' ^ ^^^' ^^^2 BARON HOOD OF AVALON, co. Someraet.

  • He waa 2d a. of Sir Alexander Hood, 2d Bart. (d. 7 Mareh 1861, aged

67), by Amelia Anne, da. and cobt>ir of 2Sir Hugh Batsman, Bart ; waa 6. at Bath, 14 July 1824 ; entered the Royal navy 1887, becoming Enallv (1886), Admiral ; aenred oif Syria, 1840 ; at nege of Sebaatopol (6th claaa Medjidie), and iu the Ohina war, 1857-68; director of Naval ordnance, 1869-74, O.B., 1871 ; aide de camp to the Queen, 1871-76 ; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1877-79 ; in command of the Channel Squadron, 1879-81 ; K.O.B., 1886 ; aenior naval Lord of the Admiralty, 1885-86 and again Aug. 1886 to 1887, when placed on the retired liat ; O.O.B., 1889, being raiaed to the peerage, 22 Feb 1892, aa above mentioned. He aa. 2 Oct 1866, at Oaf erafield Houae, Ozon, Fanny Henrietta, 3d da. of Col. Sir Charlea Fitsroy Maolbak, 9th Bart [S.] by Bmily Eleanor, da. of the Hon. Jacob Marsh am, D.D., Canon of Windaor. INNERMEATH. i.e.f " Innbrmsath»" Barony [S.] (Stewart) cr. 1 470 in exchange for the Baboht ov Lorn [S ], which aee, under the 3il holder thereof ; ex. or cforaiani, 1625. (•) Tbia waa one of the ereations for the '^ Diamond" Jubilee. See p. 239. note " a."