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§ 3.

1. The territories of the Czechoslovak Republic shall form a united and indivisible unit, the frontiers of which may be altered only by Constitutional Law.

2. The autonomous territory of Carpathian Russinia, which shall receive the widest measure of self-government compatible with the unity of the Czechoslovak Republic, shall be an integral part of this unit by the terms of its voluntary declaration as set forth in the Treaty between the Allied Powers and the Czechoslovak Republic of September 10th, 1919. Carpathian Russinia shall have its own Diet, which shall elect its presiding officer and other officials.

4. This Diet shall legislate in linguistic, educational and religious matters, in matters of domestic administration and in such other matters as may be assigned to it by the laws of the Czechoslovak Republic. Laws enacted by this Diet, and signed by the President of the Republic, shall be published in a separate series and shall be counter-signed by the Governor of Russinia.

5. Carpathian Russinia shall be represented in Parliament by Deputies and Senators elected according to the general suffrage law of the Czechoslovak Republic.

6. The head of Russinia shall be a Governor, appointed by the President of the Czechoslovak Republic on the recommendation of the Government, and he shall be responsible also to the Diet of Russinia.

7. Public officials in Russinia shall be, in so far as possible, selected from the population of Russinia.

8. Details as to the right of suffrage and eligibility to the Diet shall be defined by special legislation.

9. The law enacted by the Parliament defining the frontiers of Carpathian Russinia shall form part of the Constitutional Charter.

§ 4.

1. Citizenship in the Czechoslovak Republic is single and uniform.

2. The law regulates the conditions governing the acquisition, the rights and duties, and the termination of citizenship in the Czechoslovak Republic.

3. A citizen or subject of a foreign State cannot at the same time be a citizen of the Czechoslovak Republic.

§ 5.

1. The capital of the Republic is Prague.

2. The colours of the Republic are white, red and blue.

3. Official emblems and flags shall be determined upon by law.

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