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matters presented to them in a language other than Czechoslovak and to deal with the same, and also to permit the use of another language in meetings and conferences.

§ 4.

The State offices, using the state official language, shall, in their official proceedings in those parts of the Republic which before the 28th of October 1918 pertained to the Kingdoms and Lands represented in the Imperial (Austro-Hungarian) Council or to the Kingdom of Prussia use regularly the Czech language, in Slovakia regularly the Slovak language.

Matters presented in the Czech language and officially dealt with in Slovak or presented in Slovak and dealt with in Czech shall be deemed to have been dealt with in the language in which they were presented.

§ 5.

The instruction in all schools established for members of a national minority shall be given in their language. Likewise educational and cultural institutions set up for them shall be administered in their language. (Art. 9. Treaty of St. Germain).

§ 6.

The Diet which shall be set up for Russinia shall have the right reserved to it of settling the language question for this territory in a manner consonant with the unity of the Czechoslovak State. (Art. 10. Treaty of St. Germain.)

Until this settlement has been made this law shall apply, due regard, however, being paid to the special circumstances of that territory in respect of language.

§ 7.

Disputes regarding the use of a language in the courts, offices, institutions, undertakings and organs of the State as well as in the autonomic offices and public corporations shall be settled by the competent organs of State control as matters of state administration detached from the causes out of which they arose.

§ 8.

Details as to the carrying out of this law shall be fixed by the State executive authority which will, in the spirit of this law, lay down rules regulating the use of languages for autonomic offices, representative bodies, and public corporations as well as for those offices and public organs whose competence extends to districts which are less

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