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Authorities Consulted

Ceska Osada, a jeji Spolkovy Zivot v Cleveland, Ohio.”

An illustrated history of Bohemians in Cleveland, prepared for the Prague Ethnological Exposition of 1895, and published by the Volnost press in Cleveland. 192 pp.

Kratke Dejiny a seznam Cesko-Katolickych osad ve Spoj. Statech Ameriickych.

A register and brief history of Bohemian Catholic colonies in the U. S. in honor of the 25th jubilee of Very Rev. Joseph Hessoun, by Rev. P. A. P. Houst. St. Louis, 1890, 552 pp.

Dejiny Cechuy Americkych,” by Jan Habenicht.

A condensed history of American Bohemian life, pub. by the “Hlas” press in St. Louis, about 1894.

Padesat let Ceskeho Tisku v Americe,” by Thomas Capek.

Fifty years of the Bohemian press in America; a bibliography, with historical notes, of Bohemian periodical publications in the United States from 1860 to 1911; pub. in New York, 1911. 269 pp.

These four are in Bohemian.

Czechoslovak Review”; a monthly periodical published at 2324 South Central Park Avenue, Chicago, beginning in 1917.

“Bohemian (Cech) Bibliography; a finding list of writings in English relating to Bohemia and the Cechs,” by Thomas Capek and Anna Vostrovsky Capek.

A valuable illustrated and annotated bibliography, published by Fleming H. Revell Co. in New York in 1918. 256 pp.