Page:The Decameron of the West (1839).djvu/165

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and be the means of reinstating her in her former affluence. The lovely Meta, from the first moment that she was seen by Francis, made an impression on his heart never afterwards effaced, and, affected by what he heard of her patient resignation in adversity, and strict purity of conduct, accompanied by the most laborious industry, he now more bitterly than ever grieved for his ruined fortunes, which altogether unfitted him to offer Meta his hand. The fair maiden, on the other hand, was struck by the very handsome exterior of neighbour Francis, who lived directly opposite to her mother’s house. She listened with apparent delight to the notes of his lute, which he observing, cultivated music so sedulously, that in less than a month, Love, out of a mere bungler in the science, had made a second Amphion. But the course of true love never ran straight, and no sooner had Mother Brigitta perceived the rise of this attachment entertained on the part of neighbour Francis for her daughter, than she endeavoured to check its progress, by prohibiting Meta to appear at the window. When the unfortunate lover discovered this, his powers of invention devised a remedy. He sold a diamond ring, and with its proceeds purchased a large mirror; he placed the mirror at his window, and, taking due care to con-