Page:The Dial- a monthly magazine for literature, philosophy and religion 1.djvu/12

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1. A Word to the Reader 9

2. The Christianity of Christ 12

3. The Word 28

4. The Sacred Dance 37

5. Excalibur 38

6. Amor Respicit Cœlum 49

7. The Catholic Chapter 49

8. The Two Servants 52

9. The Lecturers at the Mercantile on Statistics 58

10. My Sculptured Palace Walls 65

11. Poetry 69

12. Critical Notices 70

Notice.—The present number of The Dial is published as a specimen. The friends of the undertaking are reminded that the number of subscribers necessary to support it have not been obtained, and are earnestly requested to interest themselves at once. The price is placed at $2.00 per annum, and is within the reach of most persons. If the response is adequate, we will make our next appearance in fresher form; if not, it may become necessary to return subscribers their money.