Page:The Dial- a monthly magazine for literature, philosophy and religion 1.djvu/779

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THE DIAL REPOSITORY, No. 76 West Third Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The following works will be sent, free of postage, to any part of the country, at the rates indicated. Rali^ ^SITaldo Bmexaon. 1. Essays. First Series |1.15 2. Essays. Second Series 115 3. Poems 1 15 4. Nature. Addresses and Lectures 1-15 5. Representatiye Men 1>15 6. English Characteristics 115 7. Conduct of Life. (To appear soon) 1.15 Theodore Parker. 1. Two Christmas Celebrations. (Cloth ). 75 2. New- Year's Sermon 10 3. Sermon of Old Age 10 4. Midsummer Sermon ' 10 The racy pamphlet '* Reviewer Reviewed '* (15 cts.) should not have been placed among the works of Mr. Parker. It is the reply of a gentleman in Boston to certain severe critiques published in that city, on Parker, Emerson, Curtis, and the abolitionists. Some Tracts published by the *< Fraternity *' will be sent gratuitously with any of these works. W. H. Fomess, D.D. 1. Thoughts on the Life and Character of Jesus of Nazareth. 8vo $1.10 2. A Word to Unitarians 15 Bfra. Caroline H. Dall. 1. Woman's Right to Labor. (Cloth) 80 2. Do. do. (Paper) 60