Page:The Eleven Comedies (1912) Vol 1.djvu/266

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never allowed ourselves to open our lips. We were far from satisfied, for we knew how things were going; often in our homes we would hear you discussing, upside down and inside out, some important turn of affairs. Then with sad hearts, but smiling lips, we would ask you: Well, in to-day’s Assembly did they vote Peace?—But, “Mind your own business!” the husband would growl, “Hold your tongue, do!” And I would say no more.

A Woman.

I would not have held my tongue though, not I!


You would have been reduced to silence by blows then.


Well, for my part, I would say no more. But presently I would come to know you had arrived at some fresh decision more fatally foolish than ever. “Ah! my dear man,” I would say, “what madness next!” But he would only look at me askance and say: “Just weave your web, do; else your cheeks will smart for hours. War is men’s business!”


Bravo! well said indeed!


How now, wretched man? not to let us contend against your follies, was bad enough! But presently we heard you asking out loud in the open street: “Is there never a man left in Athens?” and, “No, not one, not one,” you were assured in reply. Then, then we made up our minds without more delay to make common cause to save Greece. Open your ears to our wise counsels and hold your tongues, and we may yet put things on a better footing.


You put things indeed! Oh! ’tis too much! The insolence of the creatures! Silence, I say.