Page:The Emperor Marcus Antoninus - His Conversation with Himself.djvu/321

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Meditations, &c.

the Practice of general Kindness, by neglecting the Importunity, and Clamour of our Senses, by distinguishing Appearance from Truth , and by contemplating the Nature and Works of the Almighty. All this is acting according to kind, and keeping the Faculties in the Right Channel.

XXVII. Every Man has three Relations to acquit himself in: His Body helps to make one, the Deity another, and his Neighbours a Third.

XXVIII. If Pain is an Affliction, it must affect either the Body or the Mind ; If the Body is hurt, let it say so; [1] As for the Soul, she can secure the Passes, and keep the Enemy at a distance ; 'Tis in her power to be invulnerable, by supposing the Accident no Evil, which supposition is very practicable; For Judgment and Appetite , Aversion and Desire, and all the Equipage of Thought , are lodged within, and there no mischief can come at them. [2]

XXIX. Discharge common Prejudice, and the Fallacies of Fancy , by saying thus to your self. 'Tis in my power to be as Easie, and as Innocent as 'tis possible. To have nothing of Vice, of Appetite or Disturbance in me. I am likewise in a Condition to State the Value ,

  1. See Book 7. Sect. 16.
  2. The old Paradox.